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Self-assigned parenting police are the worst! The pre-teen and teen years aren't easy under the best of circumstances. Hang in there! You're doing great!

Hard to read, sad, patient loving, honest, beautiful!! God bless you all.

That idiot commenter can bite me.

I like that expression: "Self-assigned parenting police". Thank you!

Thanks all for your constant love and support and for understanding that this is a hard road.

Kristen, I just spit our me tea as I read your comment;)Love it!

I'm not talking as much about my Robbie lately (12 at the end of february, autism, severe end of the spectrum). Some of it is just too hard to write about. Some is my fear for the future. I sometimes wonder if we shall survive the years of puberty. I appreciate your words on this space. It's nice to know we're not alone.

Christy, I'm glad you liked my comment, it was from the heart. But reading your response, I'm pretty sure you were drinking wine, not tea. That would be both fitting AND it would explain the "our me tea" bit. Hahaha ;)

None of it is easy but you handle it with an uncommon amount of grace and humility and humor and honesty and eloquence that keeps me coming back time and again and cheering every triumph and commiserating every setback. Just keep swimming, swimming swimming.

Kristen, you didn't know I was talking pirate:) it was actually tea, on my lunch break, since wine is frowned upon, but I obviously did not check my wording, not till later, when I was drinking a glass of wine and read your second comment. Cheers!

Tracy, not alone at all; I also fear the future and am struggling with puberty and all that it brings. Thank you for writing.

Kate thank you for your kind words I will continue to swim along.

Pirate!! Of course.

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