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What an inspirational, awe-inspiring feat! Thank you for writing about it!

WAY TO GO CHRISTY- you needed this- something that you could conquer on your own- well with Nick's help. You especially needed this after that last hard blog with Elias.
We are so proud of you Cousin!!!!!

I ❤️ The way you push your physical body - like the way you pushed your emotional self these last bunches of years as a school counselor. You give it all, no matter what. I also love what Nick said to the kids... "Let your mom rest." He's a good fellah. Love you all!

You go Christy! That was awesome and inspiring!!!! Hope you left it all on the mountain.

Smiling and choked up as I read. You are such an inspiration to us all. Congrats!

Woo Hoo !! Way to go Christy! Of course you crushed that mountain!!

fantastic!!!! way to beat the wall!! xo

Way to Go Christy!
I'm out of breath after just reading this.

Ah, I love you all, thanks for your words of support. Still riding the high though I don't think I can use the "I just climbed a mountain" excuse for much longer:)

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