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Eloquently written, mirroring my experience as a white woman and mother, and touching on the inherent privilege we are immersed in and how to fully see it, recognize both its power and fallacy, and how to open our children's eyes to it as well. I have been doing more and more reading on this topic (and finding more and more authors like Isabel Wilkerson and Tim Wise who decisively debunk the notion of "race" having any scientific validity) in the hopes I can better articulate how being white confers certain systemic advantages that are so numerous and long-lived it's impossible to overstate how profound the impact is, for those of us who hold the power and write the laws and the history books and for those of us who don't.

Kristen, thank you for sharing the authors you are reading as I'd like to be more articulate on this topic and understand deeper how I can raise my children and those I teach/counsel to understand the systematic privileges white people benefit from daily.

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