And then there's this.
An act so large a glacier can't contain it, nor an ocean bay, not the realm of a helicopter, or the howl of a team of huskies ready to run.
And it all began with "killing time", Elias and I with 45 minutes to fill during Olive's gymnastic's class.
Having already rode most of the elevators in the town of Seward, I chose Elias's other obsessive interest and drove to the airport, a couple small wooden buildings and hangers, with a handful of four-seater planes and helicopters.
As we drove down the empty road, I saw a helicopter crossing over Resurrection Bay heading towards the airport, so we parked at Seward Helicopter Tours and watched it land. Elias leaned on his canes and bounced the way that he does when his body can't contain his heart's excitement.
"This is awesome. This is so cool," he repeated, as he shifted between his tripod lean and arching his back to stand without support, dangling his forearm crutches by his wrists, and clapping his hands in a way that whenever someone's nearby they can't help but to watch.
Elias never notices the staring eyes of others, one of the gifts of autism.
But I never miss a gawk, all those wide eyes can roll off me, or lodge in my cells, depending on my mood.
On this day, even if we'd been standing in a crowd of close-minded insecure reductionists who toss the word "retard" around without caring where it lands, I wouldn't have minded if they stared, the sun was shining, and Elias was standing next to a runway watching a helicopter land in front of him. "This is so cool!" he declared.
When the passengers safely left the plane, the pilot turned off the helicopter and walked over to us with a warm smile.
"We're not here to fly, we're just here because he loves airports," I said.
The pilot introduced himself as Brandon and shook Elias's hand. They talked about school and the attendance/grades incentive program to earn a free helicoptor ride at the end of the year.
A small yellow plane started its engine, the noise pulling Elias's focus from the conversation to the anticipation of possible flight. "Is it going to take off?" He clapped again. "This is awesome."
The pilot Brandon smiled.
Brandon introduced us to his wife and new baby who walked over and she said something like: "If you don't have another passenger coming, you should take them up for a ride."
This led to the Brandon writing down our names and number, in case he ever found himself with an empty seat.
What I didn't know is that as we talked outside, Kalani who does the bookings, watched us from inside, and before the day ended, Elias and I had reservations for not just a helicopter ride, but a glacier landing and dogsled tour.
When Kalani called and told me about the opening, nervous there was a misunderstanding about our desire to book a flight, I tentatively asked, "Um, and how much will this cost?"
"Nothing. Its on us," she said.
Proof that there really is such thing as a free ride.
And millions of folks out there who just want to make the world a little better, a little kinder, a little more filled with grace.
So on Saturday, a glorious sunny day sandwiched between a Friday with wind gusts so strong they cancelled their helicopter tours and the force of the wind bent the poles that hold up our trailer awning, and a Sunday with rain so heavy it prompted flood warnings for the Resurrection River, Elias and I hopped in the Element for a mystery outing.
"Where should we go?" Elias asked as our car rolled down the gravel drive.
"You ready to find out?"
"We are going on a helicopter ride!"
Elias's face brightened, "Really?"
"Really. And not just a helicopter ride but we get to land on a glacier and do a dogsled ride too!"
"Cool!" Elias clapped and grinned and turned his head from side to side.
At Seward Helicopter Tours, everyone greeted us with smiles. We met Brandon again and the owner, Travis, who helped Elias climb into the front passenger seat and don sunglasses and headphones.
"Are we just gonna go straight up?" Elias asked, pointing towards the sky with his whole hand.
"We can."
And just like that, up, up, we went, and out across Resurrection Bay, over the mountains to the Godwin glacier, where two young mushers and a team of dogs greeted us from their summer home.
We met each of the dogs hooked up to the two sleds, some of whom completed the Iditarod this winter, all athletes in training, stoked and ready to run. We met two ten-week old puppies who thought Elias's canes were perfect chew toys.
When it was time to ride, Elias chose the seat closer to our musher Justin and off we went, the dogs leading us around the white expanse of the glacier, following the commands of "gee" and "haw", as the mountains surrounded us in a solid embrace.
"This so awesome. This is so cool!" Elias repeated, as the smile never left my face.
On the helicopter ride back to town, Brandon asked, "Are you guys ok with low flying?"
Having never been in a helicopter before, all I could think to say was, "Sure."
And down we flew, right above the trees, following the contours of the Resurrection River as we snaked around the bends, "Here comes a big turn."
We all leaned towards the left, with a bird's eye view of our new hometown of Seward and Resurrection Bay, where the silt of the glaciers streaks the water green amidst the dark blue.
So awe-some. So cool.
A huge thank you to all the staff of Seward Helicopter Tours and Turning Heads Kennels for giving my son the gift of a day he will never stop talking about. (Remember when we rode on a helicopter?..Wasn't that cool?" )
And a special thanks to our pilot Brandon, for approaching Elias and I, on that gymnastics class day, with nothing but an open heart.
A beautiful story, Christy, and gorgeous photography. There are so many kind people out there...glad you happened upon some at the heliport and the kennels. Making memories for a special mom and son. 💚
Posted by: Susan | 09/12/2016 at 11:29 AM
Can't stop smiling. What a beautiful act and a wonderful story! <3
Posted by: Ginna | 09/12/2016 at 01:49 PM
Elias and I will have to compare memories of our flights the next time we see him. 😀😀
Posted by: "Uncle" Bob | 09/12/2016 at 02:56 PM
Hip hip hooray out to Brandon.
How absolutely beautiful a story with pictures to boot.
--and then it came true for Elias.
A dog sled ride on a glacier as well omg!!
Posted by: richard everett | 09/12/2016 at 07:02 PM
So awesome! So cool!
Posted by: Shelley | 09/12/2016 at 07:23 PM
Crying my eyes out. Happy, joyous years. I can so picture Elias - his moves and grooves - something I always loved to see in him. So glad you had this incredible experience together. 💜
Posted by: Cheryl | 09/12/2016 at 07:35 PM
beautiful. tears. thank you for sharing
Posted by: Chad Nichols | 09/12/2016 at 08:11 PM
Wow, tears here too. What an awesome day.
Posted by: Joanna | 09/13/2016 at 02:28 AM
My heart is singing!
Posted by: Danielle in A | 09/13/2016 at 11:34 AM
That is so awesome!!! Elias looks so happy! Love his sweatshirt, we are from Oregon and HUGE Duck fans!
Posted by: Toni Rieger | 09/13/2016 at 03:13 PM
Wow, looks like you had a great experience exploring Seward Alaska!
Love Elias's Drawings of his happy time. Keep on drwaing!
Posted by: Jo Pedersen | 09/14/2016 at 07:40 AM
The best story ever! So happy for both of you.
Posted by: Mary Ellen | 09/14/2016 at 08:37 AM
What an amazing experience for the two of you to share. Yeah!
Posted by: Geran Tarr | 09/14/2016 at 11:26 AM
So fantastic to hear of such kindness and generosity in your new community! Brought happy tears to my eyes. :-) If I'm ever up there, I will most definitely bring my boys to Seward Helicopter Tours and Turning Heads Kennels... they would LOVE the adventure too!
Posted by: Sara | 09/15/2016 at 07:44 AM
Christy, I am so happy that our son's hearts met. I am Brandon's Momma and I know that you have a very beautiful son. and that Brandon enjoyed every second he was with you two up there exploring and enjoying our magnificent world! Brandon's heart has always been huge and it makes me cry happy tears to know that he had the blessing to meet Elias. Now Brandon and Addie have a beautiful new baby boy and he is so proud of him as you are of Elias. The whole crew at Seward Helicopter's is awesome!
Posted by: Jackie Marks | 09/18/2016 at 06:46 PM
I love hearing from all of you, thank you, and Jackie, you have raised a beautiful son who made quite an impression on mine. He is telling everyone he meets about riding on the helicopter. The world really is filled with kind people who can overshadow the small-minded ones. Thanks again dear readers for your love and support.
Posted by: Christy | 09/18/2016 at 09:25 PM
Just like the other readers, I had tears in my eyes and a heart bursting with joy for you and Elias! What a blessing for everyone! Love abounds in Seward, Alaska. If I am ever there, I want to share in your incredible experience!
Posted by: Mary Kay Broughton | 09/19/2016 at 05:18 AM