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Love!!! So glad your new setup is working well for everyone. Here's to great progress!

This made me smile

I love this post! As a special needs mom I can relate to the IEP's the adaptive classes, etc. At the high school my son went to they had an awesome wood shop teacher and class. They made large wooden signs for police departments all over Oregon, totem polls, canoes, bowls, etc. Best class ever!

Sounds like a ton of light just came into that dark Alaska winter. Bathe in it for awhile!

Olive IS funny and cool. So is her brother. great post. Did you get my mail from Zurich? Hope it arrives soon.

He has held his head up a bit higher since the meeting and I think because he finally got to sit and hear professionals praise him instead of dissecting all that he can't do. Thanks all, its been a good shift for us all.

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