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Happy birthday, Elias! and much gratitude to you, Christy, for sharing so many stories along the way.

'And I vow to do better by my boy as he grows into a young man. ' Hey--you have done an AMAZING job so far. if you want to say you are going to do it differently to respect his growth and maturity and place in the world, more power to you. But I am not sure you can do it BETTER--! Go with the changes, hell, yes. I am as always rooting for you.

Happy Birthday Elevator Man!!! Keep pushing those up buttons!
Love your writings Christy,

Happy birthday to my favorite marmot! Hope to talk to you later today!!!! Love, your fairy godmother

Happy Happy Birthday Elias- I held you in my arms when you you very little and your parents were playing soccer with TJ and Audrey and and now you're 13 and as tall as I am! So hard to imagine that today you are one awesome teenager !!!! I hope you have a fantastic celebration of your special day!!! Love Ginnie!

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