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Hi, Christy. It's been a long time since I have read one of your postings. Alexandra sent me this one because she thinks it's very good, and it is. It's much better than very good. You bring to life a family--the love and frustration and fear and guilt--and a need (a life-line) that together provide an important perspective on the political decisions of people even more removed than those in the red helicopter. I think you should consider sending this posting to the Washington Post or, better, The Atlantic. At some point, some sort of humanity has to penetrate the miasma of terminal stupidity and greed that hang over the swamp of Foggy Bottom. Rocky would be impressed by the mother and writer you have become.

forgive yourself always...

This is so beautiful. We contain multitudes right? I wish I could always dig deep with my autistic son but sometimes I just don't. I really needed to read this. Thank you as always for sharing!

Christy, as mothers our hearts break when we say or do things we never imagined we would. And yet we aren't superhuman... Our love remains in incredibly tough situations, but our stamina doesn't. Regrets seem as much a part of life as joy is - and you express them both beautifully.

I agree with Alden. New York Times could be added to his list. This is so much worthy. Plus its timely due to political view expressed so legitimately. I have an autistic son. This resonates deeply.

As a special education teacher (and as a mother who sometimes wishes she wasn't one....) I always really value your posts.
I too think you should try to have it published.
Julie A

I am happy to say we've had a smoother week since I last wrote and I apologize for the late reply but I do love all of your comments. We do not yet have internet at our place and have had non-stop visitors so I have not been able to sneek away to write. Love to all!

I second, or third, Alden. There's no denying the humanity you capture with this piece, and if there is, then those who deny forsake their humanity.

Christy, I have been following your posts for years now and am long overdue for letting you know how they have made me a better person. I did want to tell you that I wrote a blog post based on yours, sharing the perspective I have on the health-care debate. Should you want to read it, here is the link: http://rabbidaniellapin.com/im-not-scary/ . The stories my children tell me are horrifying.

The issue is so difficult that sharing different viewpoints and acknowledging that most Americans are compassionate and good people wanting to do the right thing needs to be a first step in coming up with a workable solution, in my opinion.

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