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Christy you write so eloquently of your family, your husband and you on this journey of life's bruises, deep love, layered with the warmth of recovering from those bruises that are so deep. I thoroughly love to read and hear if you still do story telling, I ask Nick each time I see him when we as our group meet in Anchorage. It is amazing how beautiful blue skies, the smell of the ocean and the sun make the day seem like life is so good and giving. Thank you for sharing your journey.

Keep seeing each other even if both of you miss each other in the same room. Keep those messages going between the two of you...because when you do connect it will be so very very sweet.

Wow, you gave me goose bumps! Beautifully written as always!!!!

Thanks all. We ended up with a date night after all, much needed, much love, always!

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