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I am a long time reader, special education teacher and always enjoy your posts.
I have to share something I have recently started using that I thought of as you mentioned Elias and his birth trauma. Have you ever heard of EFT? Tapping? My mother died when I was a toddler and while I have no memory of it I know the fear and sadness of it lives in my cells. I have been using Tapping for awhile now and feel like it is really helping me in a lot of ways. Since I don't have a memory of anything I was just encouraged to say "I wonder..." or "I bet when I was little I felt..."
It would be interesting if Elias could do that. Nick and Jessica Ortner have good web page and books if you're interested.

Hi Christy
Always reading but not always taking time to comment. Happy belated birthday Elias!! I think you are right to be exploring the role of trauma in his development. The more we know about it the more we see its impact on the kids and the adults we treat every day. We are exploring an adoption plan and I'm not sure where this path will lead us. I don't know how it will impact our other kids. I think if you can try to find him a therapist who has specific experience in early trauma that might be really helpful. Beautifully written and photographed as always.

Beautiful 💗

Thank you for sharing.

Sheila Frick and her trauma informed approach to sensory dysfunction co es to mind. Happy birthday Elias!

Thank you all for the resources; I am not familiar with Sheila Frick, or EFT/Tapping or the Ortners so you all gave me some info to look into to support my boy. Thank you for your support and for being a part of my greater community, it helps me to keep writing when I hear from readers like you.

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