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Thank you for sharing! Especially about, not only, your work at the prison, but more importantly, the opportunities to interact with the men who have been sentenced there. My heart, thoughts & prayers are for genuine rehabilitation of mind, body & spirit. I have a special man in my life, a 37 year old nephew who has been my pen pal for over 20 years.

My nephew, spent 18 years, all of his adult life in prison, with the vast majority being in Super Max. He was released after serving his time @ age 35. Life on the “Outside“ (of prison, not the outside, we Alaskans refer to as in out of the state) afforded a life in a whole new world! He found a job, got a truck & got married. Then the lure of alcohol led to many poor choices, arrest, local jail, divorce & return to Super Max.

He’s scheduled to be released again later this month. He’s many 1000s of miles away from our beautiful Mount Alice! Again, I look for “reentry resources” in his area with hopes of a better “go of it” this time. I know it takes rehabilitation of not only the mind & the body, but also the spirit!

Your blog today makes me wonder if my SLP training, and life education, might be used within the walls of a prison. I think of all the pragmatic language sessions I’ve done over the years assisting teenage students with social & vocational goals as they prepare for life after high school.

Perhaps, I might find an opportunity to work with men & women to prepare for life after incarceration. Perhaps, I need to find the Alaska resources for rehabilitation & transition to the Outside. Perhaps, you would share with me your ideas. Perhaps...

Your story reminded me of this one!


This is beautiful and profound. You have such a gift with words. Thank you.

I would love to share ideas Cecilia!

Thank you Susan, your words inspire me to keep writing during a dry word cycle:)

Greta, I just tried the link and was blocked (its my lunch break at work) but will try again from home.

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