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So true so true...
Christy did you get my question about the holes in the elevators that I believe Elias can aswer?

I’ve read your blog since Elias was a baby but I don’t think I’ve ever commented. Eight weeks ago I became a parent for the first time and now, at last, I get it.

Keep writing. You do it so beautifully.

Valerie, yes and I answered under the comments on my previous post but will also send you an email. A keyhole for responders to open the doors if the power is out:)

Luisa, congratulation and thank you so much for following along for all these years. Your comment made my heart feel good--thank you for your words:)

Worry defines parenthood. Yup it does. It’s like a switch was flipped fifteen years ago that quietly hums in the background. Hope he gets well soon and that no one else gets sick.

So beautifully written and so true! Even now I still hope for my sons that every day brings them health, love and joy!!

How is Elias today?

So Elias has improved each day and today even greeted me at the door with a smile when I came home from work. His lungs have improved and he’s cleared to return to school next Tuesday as long as he continues on this path. Thank you all for being here with me.❤️

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