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Every. Damn. Day. I love you friend.

You had me at feeling overly fortunate and completely fucked?
I would think something was wrong with you if you didn’t teeter. Just holler, I can sit opposite on the seesaw and let you dangle your legs for a bit my friend.

All the time.

We are going to do the paperwork to have our Robbie placed under our guardianship for his lifetime or until we decide he can handle it and I know he doesn't know any different but I failed him somehow because I can't find the answer... and then I see him smiling and life is good again.

I watch part of the news and want to cry.

I sit with him and teach him his virtual schooling and talk with his teacher and I want to scream.


I snooze another relative or friend or acquaintance on FB bc they do not fact check ever and why can't they see what I see so clearly? then my daughter talks to me about voting and I rejoice that she finally registered to vote and best of all, she understands my fears and together we may not save the world but we will vote and do what we can, when we can, always. so there is hope for the future.

and now I am sad again... this is life.

If you are referencing the chain with Hannah, Eric and Jess ... it is bringing her a fair share of joy as well ... cheers,

Yes. You express it so beautifully. And the tranquility comes from being outdoors, and I yearn to linger there and never go back inside.

Right there with you. Thank you for capturing what I’m feeling right now. Beautiful pictures and prose as always. I love knowing I can come here for solace. Thanks for still reaching out with openness and honesty during a time when it is in short supply. Love to you and yours.

So much love to all of you. It helps to know I am not the only one who waivers back and forth not just within a week but within the span of minutes. There is so much that is hard right now. And there is so much beauty always. If only I could cling to those moments in nature that bring me peace a bit longer. Love, love, love you all....and yes, Brian that is the chain that is bringing me light as well:)

The first line of this says it all. It is 100% the gospel truth.

I thought about what has been helping me through some of this anxiety and thought I would share---because it is free and because it changed my life.
Have you every heard of EFT? or Tapping as it is often called?
Check out Brad Yates on You Tube or The Tapping Solution. The 3 siblings who started it all are so wonderful and have helped SO many people (they live in Sandy Hook and have helped people all around the world with anxiety). I tap every single day, sometimes more than once a day and for sure now whenever I am feeling anxious. The Tapping Solution app has tons of free sessions so you don't have to buy it (they did very graciously offer the whole program for free to teachers and essential workers last spring and it saved me as a teacher teaching from home).
I hope you don't mind me sharing. I share it with love and great compassion for you. These are hard times for all.

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