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Christy, this is a rock solid piece of writing. I just smiled remembering all the way back to meeting by the donut tray in the faculty room before walking to Baldwin on the stone wall, and your propensity for tucking notes away in the old leather bound books. You are a born writer. Thanks for sharing your gift so perfectly.

Thank you for the eloquent reminder to look for the hope. It is there.

Greta, I have such fond memories of that upper balcony in the faculty room, of the donuts and cookies, and walking along that rock wall with you on the way to school. Thank you for the reminder that I would write notes back then too. I wonder if there are still any notes tucked away in books up high in this stacks. Love to you my friend.

Thank you Denise. i often write what I need to remember--and yes hope is everywhere when we look for it.

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