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Sweet Christy, you touch my heart over and over again. We watch you and Nick travel this rocky road with grace, courage and grit. We love you and our Elias with all our heart. It’s tough and beautiful all rolled into one crazy life and we are glad to share it with you.

This is exactly what I needed to read today. Thank you Christy.

Thank you Christy- your writing always makes me cry- in a good way- as you help me live a deeper, more compassionate life. Sending love from Maine to you and your beautiful family. Xox

Love, love, love your words, always. xo

I love you all!!! Thank you for reading and commenting and for being part of my life, even from afar.

Beautiful photos, and, as always, eloquent writing. I'm impressed by the work that Elias does in town, and find it encouraging (as you undoubtedly do also) that he is so well-known and appreciated beyond your family. Love his blond curly hair!

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