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Christy, if you and Nick need anything, let me know. I can grocery shop, buy wine or sit with the kids if Nick is quarantined upstairs.
Your words end each time much too soon. I look forward to the day of buying your book with every blog entry, waiting to be read as if it were the first time reading them.
Hugs Sis’ta!!!

Oh Christy Dear, I pray your wish for sunshine for you in any form; true sun, moonshine through your window and negative tests for your family!

“Trifuckta” is a perfect word for all of that. I am so, so sorry. ❤️❤️❤️

I’m so sorry about this string of terrible luck, especially because you enjoy being so active. Maybe this is a time fit you to “run” with your writing and tackle sine big project instead?

I am sorry that you got the virus but hope your family will be virus-free. I worry every time Rob is sick, but each time the test comes back negative and there is another diagnosis.

I am so sad for you to have had to say goodbye to your precious dog this way.

And an injury is definitely a terrible thing for you. Once you get thru Covid, I hope your care will be able to start you on the fast track to recovery.

Dear Christy, I have been reading your blog for years from where I live in Australia. What a tough situation for you and your family. As always your writing conveys the fears and worries of so many. Take care Karen

Geez…Louise! Sending lots of healing wishes and love your way. Angie

It is always so nice to read all your comments. They really booster my spirit, thank you!

Here's to sun and moonshine, health and healing, negative tests, and a community of kind souls!

Whoa that is A Lot going on at the same time. So sorry for these updates. Thinking of you and your family and hope you are soon on the other side of all of this and especially that no one else gets sick. Holding you in my thoughts.

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