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Oh my….tears, tears, tears! Beautifully written, beautiful friend!!

I keep reading when you write. Our boys are both 18. 19 next February. I think I started reading when Elias started walking...

I am also Mami and legal guardian. I am starting to see how life will be in the next phase, as we plan for the phase after that. Adult siblings have flown the nest, and it is the three of us at home. I still wonder how far he can go. We still try for another step forward, even as we know that it won't be what we hoped for.

I will keep reading, though my writing is more private these days. We are so very different, yet so much the same. I wish life were different but I am glad to have our Robbie.

Thank you for writing.

Big hug to you Julie!

Tracy, thanks for continuing to check in. I do believe that so many of us have more in common despite our various lives, personalities, beliefs, associations etc. And when we travel this road of parenting a child who is not typical well then yes, our hearts understand each other. I don't yet see this next chapter after HS, and am trying not to worry too much about what's next. Some days I'm better at it than others.

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