...I think.
I think its time for Following Elias to come to a close, considering I haven't been writing, and especially considering my former micro-preemie just graduated from high school.
Elias walked across the stage to receive his diploma amidst the cheers of our hometown and a few tears from the solid row of family who attended this milestone event.
Elias, the boy that could, not only survived his birth at 24 weeks, and hundreds of other hurdles in his way, but despite the odds, and some last minute mud pits to cross, earned a high school degree.
Elias chose to walk without his cane, and was the last name called in his class, before the final cap throwing celebration.
The question, "What's next Elias?" still receives the same over-played answer: "I don't know."
None of us know.
What's next?
Elias's younger sister, Olive, is off in DC and NY for a middle school trip, followed by a trip to London with her Fairy Godmother, our independent child who let go of our hands as a toddler and started running towards her next adventure.
Elias sits next to me on the couch as I write.
I write less and less these days, and feel less compelled to chronicle our lives on the internet, which is also why I think its time to end this blog.
And yet I will miss all the connections I've made over the years. I will miss reaching out on dark days and feeling the touch of others who understand.
I know I still need to write, just perhaps in a different format. Maybe I'll return to working on a book or storytelling or poems...
If you are on FB please like my Following Elias Page, as I will still post there from time to time, especially when we experience significant challenges or triumphs, as we so often do.
If you are not on FB and want me to reach out to you if I end up creating a new way to share my writing, please email me at [email protected].
As always there is so much more to say...
Please know that coming to this place to write and share over all these years has held me up in more ways than even I know. Thank you for following our family, for cheering on my children, for letting me know I'm not alone.
From my home on the hill to yours, may we always keep searching for the light.
With love always,